Who is the elementary school counselor?
The elementary school counselor is a certified, caring professional who helps all students achieve academic and personal success.
How do elementary school counselors help students?
- Individual counseling: to help children understand themselves and others.
- Small group counseling: to help groups of students who are dealing with the same topic.
- Group topics include friendship, anger management, divorce, and grief.
- Classroom Guidance: to help students develop communication skills, to better understand themselves and others, and to learn about topics relevant to every day living. Every student at Gwin Elementary School participates in classroom guidance. Each class has guidance every other week for 30 minutes.
Second Step, a scientifically researched program is used in classroom guidance for grades K-5. The program addresses skills for social and academic success and it promotes school success, school connectedness, and safe and respectful school climate. Topics include empathy and respect, listening with attention, being assertive, accepting others' feelings, calming down, and responding with compassion. Music, video clips, and puppetry are integrated in the program. Students also interact with their peers and practice skills through role play. Click here to visit SecondStep.org in a new window.
How do elementary school counselors help teachers and other professionals?
- Consulting: to help identify the emotional academic needs of students.
- Coordinating: to help plan activities and programs for individual growth and educational success.
How do students receive counseling services?
- Referrals: Students, school personnel, and parents may refer a child to the school counselor. Parents may contact the school counselor to refer their child. A referral form is also sent to all parents at the beginning of the school year. Students may refer themselves by asking to see the counselor.
- Counseling: Sessions last 15-30 minutes and are confidential. Parents and teachers are informed of the progress of the student.
Community Service Log
Use the following form to log your community service hours. Return this form to Ms. Anderson when you have completed your hours.
If you feel your child will benefit from individual or small group counseling, please fill out this form and return it to his or her teacher.
To learn more information about how to participate in community service at Gwin, download this PowerPoint.
For teachers: Fill out this form and send it to Ms. Anderson for a counseling referral.
Information for Parents
OCD Suggested Books
Freeing Your Child from OCD
Talking Back to OCD
What to Do When Your Brain Gets Stuck
Mr. Worry
ADHD Suggested Reading
Making Your Children Mind without Losing Yours by Dr. Kevin Lehman
Taking Charge of ADHD by Russell A. Barkley
ADHD and the Nature of Self Control by Russell A. Barkley
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Third Edition: A Handbook for diagnosis and treatment by Dr. Barkley
Defiant or Difficult Child Suggested Reading
Birth Order by Dr. Kevin Lehman
The Strong-Willed Child by Dr. James Dobson
The Five Love Languages of Children
Your Defiant Child: Eight Steps to Better Behavior by Dr. Barkley
Managing the Defiant Child: A Guide to Parent Training by Dr. Barkley
Homework Help
Click here to visit KidsHealth.org in another window to learn more about homework help for your child.
Contact Ms. Anderson
Phone: 205.439.2622